Environmentally Friendly Alternatives

We are all allowed to live on the planet rent free, the least we can do is take care of it. As a zookeeper, conservationist, and tree hugging 'dirty hippie' that I have been so labeled I figured that it was time to give people alternatives that are eco-friendly, cost effective, and just all around feel good options that are easy to switch out! The biggest change that I have committed to making is being straw free in 2016. Don't get me wrong, I love straws. But you know what sucks more than running out of wine or coke? The number of straws that don't end up in the trash. And you know what sucks about trash when you throw it away? That away doesn't mean it disappears. It goes somewhere. Not to be a Debby Downer but much of that trash gets ingested by wildlife or entangles them. Sea Turtle with a straw stuck in nose Sea Turtle with Fork Stuck in Nose If those don't rip your heart out take a look at this ... Guess what? ...