Not your average... So today I am writing this from my boyfriend's mother kitchen. Yes, that is correct. I am home alone while he gets to scoop camel and goat poop, lovingly and passionately of course. All the while avoiding doing some of my online homework which contrary to popular belief is not easier than in class courses. That is a post for another day. So I am going to brag about one of my daily staples, my FitBit . If you haven't heard about the FitBit yet you are not on the personal fitness tracking device bandwagon that left you in the dust about a year ago. PSA: I am almost positive this is not a fad. I have had mine for over a year and can happily admit that I am addicted. I was skeptical at first just like I was when it came to any Apple product that I now own and understand all the hype about. I have the FitBit Flex, but FitBit has a few great options to fit your individual lifestyle. You can check them out here: My device...
Showing posts from August, 2015
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I am so excited to get started with this! A few things about myself: I am a senior in college finishing my bachelors degree in Natural Resource Management online I am actively pursuing a career as a zookeeper! I am a member of Phi Mu Fraternity I am a born and raised military brat and overly proud of it. The day they take my ID will be a very sad day filled with many tears. I have two sisters and many adoptive siblings. I am in an amazing long distance relationship with another zookeeper, he brings so much fun to my life. I love travel and adventure! If you want me to try something PLEASE tell me. Why? Because I will listen and hopefully be able to do it and let you know if it is worth it!