Signs of Spring

Signs of Spring Hike 

This last week I was tasked to create a "signs of spring hike" at my new job at the Otter Point Creek Estuary Center in Abingdon, MD. This was my first program at this facility. Now understand that programming is old hat to me, but it is still nerve wracking when you have not done the program before AND I just got off crutches last week. So of course it makes sense to send me on a hike through the wet woods with ages 6 to adult. 

14 people signed up... 31 people showed up. 
Not only did that happen but it was raining. 

I had two children pick up dog poop and bring it to me asking what animal it came from.

I had two dads who felt compelled to make crude comments about genitals
I am not the girl to go head to head against in a game of penis chicken. I threw down my reproductive knowledge for a wide variety of species. I have never seen two grown men turn so red. Serves them right.. don't call it a d*ck in front of a group of kids. 

Another strange thing that happens is people take a ton of pictures of you. And none of them are cute. Not one of them. 

I had yet another kid eat a pinecone. I had told him that they contain over 3,000 calories and he proceeded to bite into it before I could day we cannot CANNOT digest pinecones. 
Things I never thought I would have to say to anyone in my life: 
Me: Hey buddy please don't eat that?
Boy: But it tastes good.
Me: Well that is awesome and all but if you could spit it out that would be great because its not going to be so good tomorrow coming out the other end.

Here are some pictures from work this last week: 

Diamond Back Terrapin 

Male Red-Eared Slider

Our California King Snake using some of the enrichment that I put in her tank. 


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