Engagement Pictures

Happy Hump Day Y'all! 🐫 

It's been insane here since I last posted, I started and stopped a few posts got distracted and now we are here 44 days out from my wedding... Lord help us all.

It's fine. Totally fine I promise. But wedding planning is not "fun fun" but more of a "stress fun" where I want to drink too much wine and sometimes stress cry.

SO. My wedding 👰 photographer was in Houston for a family reunion and was able to take more engagement pictures for Kevan and I. 
She is amazing, seriously amazing. I wish I had better words to describe her style other than she truly captures the moment, less posing more talking more wonderfulness.

Here are a handful of them, I really don't have a favorite. It's just too hard to choose.

 Stephanie Rose Photography

Isn't she amazing? Seriously I have never felt so naturally beautiful in a long time.

Stephanie Rose Photography is AMAZING YALL. Check her out, she has a military discount too! 


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