Relationships are not one size fits all.

After speaking with one of my best-friend-soul-sister-pre-puberty-friends this last week about relationships I feel that I have something important to say...



Make sure you are dating one of your best friends by that I mean that our relationships with our significant others should reflect the relationship with have with our best friends. 

Now let me explain myself. 

  1. I am not a relationship expert, I just have had some experience in the trial and error department. 
  2. I love my boyfriend, I do not like him all the time. 
  3. I love my best friends, I do not like them all the time. 

Now. That being said I strongly believe that too many young women are looking for that hopeless romantic that we see in the movies. But LADIES PLEASE, relationships are not like sisterhood of the traveling pants. What looks good on one girl is NOT going to feel right on you. 

So then why do we need to date our best friends? 
More so why should we be basing our relationships with men on our relationships with our best friends? 
We are our best selves with our best friends. We are the most comfortable with them, we are open and honest, we take constructive criticism and don't hold it against them because we know they love us and are being honest. 
Our relationships should all have that. Why the hell would you want to commit your whole life to someone you couldn't be yourself with? Your best friends love you at your worst and so should your significant other. 

Kevan and I have had our ups and downs. We have been dating long distance for almost 3 years. But it works because he is and has become one of my best friends. (More on that to come) He and I love the same things, but we also have a lot that isn't the same and I love that. You talk to your best friends about poop? Guess what, I talk to my boyfriend about poop. It works for us. 

** Sidebar If he can't hang with your family or hasn't made much of an effort to try then he needs to go... If he can't come in the house and function like the family cat then he needs to go** 

But the bigger picture is that the potential for him to be my best friend was always there. Just like you see with other people you need to start looking at more than just the romance. Why do you pick your best friends? or even just your friends? 

Start looking at them in the same way and you will get better results. 

Check back soon for my next post Not Your Average Dating Do's and Don'ts.


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